| 1. | They have created a strong tendency toward total digitalization in equipment . 它们促成了设备全面数字化的倾向。 |
| 2. | There has been a strong tendency for more women of working age to participate in the labor force . 出现了达到工作年龄的妇女更多地加入到劳动大军中去的趋势。 |
| 3. | This rankled and compounded his already strong tendency to see himself beset by enemies . 这一点刺痛了他的心,而且加深了他那种已经很强烈的,认为自己四面受敌的倾向。 |
| 4. | Presley was a confirmed dreamer, irresolute, inactive, with a strong tendency to melancholy . 普瑞斯莱是个不可救药的梦想家,优柔寡断,喜静厌动,常常会觉得郁郁不乐。 |
| 5. | In british journalistic usage on the other hand there is a strong tendency for it to be understood as simply a connoisseur of films . 但在英国新闻用语中总是倾向于把它理解成“影片鉴赏家”的意思。 |
| 6. | In the west , there seems to be a strong tendency over decades to view robots as something evil , like technology run amok 数十年来,西方似乎有一股强大的趋势,将机器人视为某种邪恶的东西,像科技的暴走族横冲直撞。 |
| 7. | Writers who were word processor users showed a far stronger tendency than other writers not to find the size of the word processor screen restrictive 名作家打字机用户呈强烈得多的倾向较其他作家不要找规模字处理器屏幕限制性 |
| 8. | They have a stronger tendency to pay out large dividends when the company earnings are declining than the privately - acquired companies with ex post financing do 他们比私有收购方更趋向于在融资之后公司利润下降时支付更多的股息。 |
| 9. | The last four argentine draft civil codes unify both contractual and non contractual liability systems . there is also a strong tendency among the peruvian doctrine 最后的四个阿根廷民法典草案都统一了契约与非契约责任制度。这种趋势也强烈地体现在秘鲁的学说中。 |
| 10. | As one would expect , users of this single draft strategy were most unlike those favouring the oil painting strategy in showing a very strong tendency not to do a great deal of revision 如想象、这一战略草案单一使用者最不像偏袒油画呈现出很强的策略倾向不要大量修改 |